Hello all,
I guess we are going to be moving again. Johnny and family are outgrowing their home and have added one of Melissa's brother and possibily her mother will live with her. So they have found a home about 5 miles away from us in Herriman Utah. John got this idea that maybe we should move as well. As we age, it would be nice to be closer to one of our kids, so they could keep an eye on us.
It makes no sense to me and I love a lot of things about my house. Mostly it reminds me of Eagar and Tucson together. I have planted some plants that I have been wanting and we fixed a lot of things with the house: new attic insulation, new water heater, heater, airconditioning etc. Anyway, to make a long story short, I fought John's idea and in the end Heavenly Father's as well and my life was miserable for a week. So John came home from one of his temple work days and told me "why weren't we doing what He wanted us to do on the house". I still fought the idea, but have since been humbled and know that we need to do this however illogical it is to me. I am glad Heavenly Father knows the plan and future.
Anyway this new home will be built up by the mountain. It will have more room for a gathering area which will be nice for our family Sunday dinners. There will be some more projects (home) that he likes to do. This move won't happen until February or March or April.
I do know I am not looking forward to packing up and moving things, but I haven't unpacked somethings from the first move. If you can't tell, I still have some reservations, but I need to exercise Faith.
This is the website of the house.
http://www.richmondamerican.com/Shop+and+Buy/Home+Detail.htm?mr=Salt Lake City&pl=12051&cm=1454
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